5MT - Five speed manual transmission
6MT - Six speed manual transmission
AAW= Automatic a$$ wiper :o
ABS - Antilock braking system
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFRs - Air Fuel Ratios
AKA - Also known as
ALK - Anti Lift Kit
ALS - Anti-lag system
AP - accessport http://cobbtuning.com/sti/accessport.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
APS = Air Power Systems
AVCS - Active valve control system
AW(ASP) - Aspen White?
AWD - All Wheel Drive
AX - AutoCross or AutoX
bar = not an acronym, unit of measure - pressure, approx. 14.5psi
BHP - Brake Horespower
BNCOC= Basic Non Commissioned Officers Course
BOV - Blow off Valve
BPV - Bypass Valve
BTW - By the way
Bump - To move a topic up to the most recently commented
CAI - Cold Air Intake
Cat - Catalytic convertor
Cd - Coefficient of drag
CDM - Canadian Domestic Market
CEL - Check Engine Light
CGM - Crystal Grey Metallic
CV - Constani Velocity Joint
DCCD - Driver Controlled Center Differential
DGM - dark grey metallic
Diff - Differential
DIN - Deutsche Industrial Norm, radio dimension standard
DP - Downpipe
DSM - Diamond Star Motors
EBC - Electronic boost controller
ECM = Engine Control Module (you know what Subaru calls an ECU? )
ECU - Engine Control Unit
EDM - European Domestic Market
EFI - Electronic fuel injection
EGT - Exhaust gas temperature
EM - Engine Management
EMS = Engine Management System
EWG = external wastegate
EWG = External Wastegate
F.I. = Forced Induction
FFS = Flat Foot Shifting
FHI - Fuji Heavy Industries
FMIC - Front Mount Intercooler
FS - For sale
FSB - Front Sway Bar
FTR= Failure to Report
FWD - Front wheel drive
FWIW - For what it's worth
GC8 = '93-00 Classic bodystyle Impreza WRX/STi (non USDM) G=Bodystyle C=4door 8=2.0turbo motor
GF8 = 5door Classic Bodystyle (Wagon) WRX
GFB = GoFastBits
GM8 = 2door Classic Bodystyle WRX
GRB - hatchback, also GR only
H4 - Horizontally opposed 4 cylinder engine
H6 - Horizontally opposed 6 cylinder engine
HID - High intensity discharge
HKS = Hasegawa, Kitagawa, Sigma
HP - horsepower
HPDE = high performance driving event
I.C.E. - In-Car Entertainment
IAM - Ignition Advance Multiplier (part of the ECU's engine control scheme)
ID - Inner diameter
ID = INSIDE Diameter
IDC - Injector Duty Cycle
IHI IHI Corporation
IIRC - If I recall correctly
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IWS - ImprezaWRXSTi.com
JBP-Java Black Pearl
JDM - Japanese Domestic Market
KPH - Kilometers per hour
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LHD - Left hand drive
LMAO - Laughing my a$$ off

LPH-Liter per Hour
LSD - Limited slip differential
MAF - Mass air-flow sensor
MAP - Manifold absolute pressure sensor
MBC - Manual boost controller
MIL - Malfunction indicator lamp (same as CEL)
MPH - Miles per hour
MT - Manual transmission
n00b - Someone who is brand new (also, newbie, noob, nube, etc.)
NA - is also Naturally Aspirated (IE non-turbo)
NA - Normally aspirated
NA = Not Available / Not Applicable
NABISCO - A box of crackers
NASIOC - North American Subaru Owner's Club
NASIOC = North American Subaru IMPREZA Owner's Club
NBC= Nuclear Biological Chemical
NO2 = Nitrous Oxide
NVH - Noise Vibration Harshness
O2 - Oxygen
OBD-II - On board diagnostics II
OBP - Obsidian Black Pearl
OBP = obsidian black pearl
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OMG - Oh my God
OP - Original Poster

OTW = On The Way
PCV - Positive crankcase ventilation
PITA - Pain in the arse
PLDC= Primary Leadership Development Course
PMCS= Preventive Maintenance Check & Services
Pot - brake piston
PSI - Pounds per square inch
PSM - Platinum Silver Metallic
QA/QC= Quality Assurance/Quality Control
QRF= Quick Reaction Force
RCH - politically incorrect unit of finite distance measurement
RF= Radio Frequency
RHD - Right hand drive
ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
RPM - Revolution per minute
RTFM - Read the f@#$ing manual
RSB - Rear Sway bar
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SCC - Sport compact car magazine
SCCA - Sports car club of America
SD = speed density (tuning)
SGM = (NEW FOR 2006) Steel Grey Metallic
SMJ = Super Multiple Junction (a large connector under the left side of the dash that allows the driver's side branch of engine wiring to be separated from the rest of the harness fairly easily)
SOA - Subaru of America
SPT = Subaru Performance Tuning
SPT= Start Point Time
SRI = short ram intake
STi - Subaru Tecnica International
SWRT = Subaru World Rally Team
T/I= Technical Inspection
TB - Throttle body
TBE - Turbo Back Exhaust
TCU - Traction Control Unit (the computer that controls the DCCD's action)
TDC - Top dead center
TGV = tumbler generator valve
TMIC - Top Mount Intercooler
TPS - Throttle position sensor
TPS - Throttle position sensor
TSB - Technical service bulletin (from SOA)
TT - Turbo timer or Twin turbo
TTIWWOP - This Thread Is Worthless Without Pictures
TTT - To the top, aka bump
TY, thx, tx - Thanks or thank you
UOA - used oil analys
UP - Uppipe
USDM - United States Domestic Market
VIN - Vehicle identification number
WHP - Wheel Horsepower
WLC= Warrior Leaders Course
WOT - Wide open throttle
WRB - World Rally Blue
WRC = World Rally Championship
WRX = World Rally Cross Country
WTB - Want To Buy
WTF - What the F*ck
WTLY (or WTLW) - Welcome to Last Year (or Week, Month, etc.)
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get